Treatment Options


  • Aspirin-free pain relievers–acetaminophen
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs)
  • Corticosteroids–injection/pill form

Physical Therapy

  • Passive range-of-motion exercises may help:
    • Reduce stiffness
    • Keep joints flexible
  • Isometric exercises help build muscle strength


Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure used to visualize, diagnose and treat problems inside a joint.

In an arthroscopic examination, an orthopaedic surgeon makes a small incision in the patient’s skin and then inserts pencil-sized instruments that contain a small lens and lighting system to magnify and illuminate the structures inside the joint.

Joint Fluid Supplements

Injections that provide temporary relief:

  • For patients whose joint pain does not improve with medication or physical therapy, “joint grease” injections may provide temporary relief. The joint is injected with a joint fluid supplement that acts as a lubricant for the damaged joint.
  • Joint injection schedules and duration of relief vary according to the treatment chosen and the individual patient. However, these injections do not cure the diseased knee, and joint replacement may be needed as the joint worsens with time.

Partial Joint Replacement

Partial joint replacement is a surgical procedure in which only the damaged or diseased surfaces of the joint are replaced, leaving much of the natural bone and soft tissue in place.

Total Joint Replacement

Total joint replacement is a surgical procedure in which certain parts of an arthritic or damaged joint are removed and replaced with a plastic or metal device or an artificial joint. The artificial joint is designed to move just like a healthy joint.

Joint replacement is a treatment option when pain:

  • Is severe
  • Interferes with daily activities
  • Interferes with work

Joint replacement is a decision that should include:

  • Yourself
  • Your primary care provider
  • Your orthopaedic surgeon

Did you know?
Total joint replacements of the hip and knee have been performed since the 1960s. Today, these procedures have been found to result in significant restoration of function and reduction of pain in 90% to 95% of patients. – Source: National Development Conference, National Institutes of Health, December 2003

South Coast Orthopaedic Associates is now part of Coquille Valley Health. Go to for more information about their primary care services.


Request an Appointment

If you are an existing patient, you can schedule an appointment here.

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2699 N 17th St, Coos Bay OR 97420 541-266-3600